Jobs & Volunteers
Current Job Opportunities
Are you ready to join our team of ocean advocates? Sanibel Sea School’s team is made up of driven, fun-loving individuals united by a passion for marine conservation. If that sounds like you, please browse our current job openings below.
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Volunteer Opportunities
Join the Watch: Coastal Watch is a group of Sanibel and Captiva community members who cherish the ocean, appreciate the rich history of our region, and are determined to conserve our oceans and estuaries for future generations. The members of Coastal Watch work actively in our local community to promote healthier and more sustainable ways of interacting with our coastal environment. Our goal is to make people aware of the impacts that humans have on the beaches, water quality, and marine habitats of our region, and to help them become more effective stewards of the ocean.
Mind Your Line: a collaborative effort among Sanibel-Captiva conservation organizations to reduce the amount of monofilament line and fishing gear left in our environment, which is often detrimental to wildlife. Originally named Clear Your Gear, the effort was established in 2014 by a group of Sanibel-Captiva conservation organizations in response to the observation of ongoing environmental problems and an increase in wildlife injuries caused by monofilament line and other fishing gear. Currently, participants include the Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife (CROW), Sanibel Sea School, J.N. “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge, the “Ding” Darling Wildlife Society, Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation (SCCF), and the City of Sanibel.