Carrie Schuman, Ph.D.

Carrie assists the communities of Sanibel and Captiva in achieving coastal resilience as they plan for future stressors of climate change including warming temperatures, sea level rise, and increased precipitation and storm intensity. This position is funded by the Captiva Erosion Prevention District

Carrie holds a bachelor’s degree in Marine and Freshwater Biology from the University of New Hampshire, a master’s in Marine Science and Technology from the University of Massachusetts, and a Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Ecology with a focus on Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences from the University of Florida.

Her interdisciplinary background includes independent and collaborative research in science education and the natural and social sciences. In addition, Carrie has taught across grades K-12, at the university level, and with adult learners. She honed her science communications skills during a summer fellowship at the San Luis Obispo Tribune in California.

She counts among her unique scientific experiences working as an assistant curator caring for hundreds of strains of algae and participating in a  right whale ecology cruise in the North Atlantic. Some of Carrie’s earliest memories are of scraping her knees while clambering over rocks with her twin brother on the New England seashore as they explored tidepools. She has translated that deep connection with the coast into a career focused on marine science.

Carrie enjoys spending time outdoors and creative pursuits, such as sewing, crocheting, taking dance classes, and singing at open mics.