Sanibel Sea School Blog

Squid Science at Sanibel School

October 13, 2023
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Seventh graders from Sanibel School got to explore the fascinating physiology of squids in a hands-on dissection, taught by marine science educators from Sanibel Sea School. The squid dissection program is designed to be a lab-based exercise that examines the external and internal morphology of squids. Our marine science educators worked with Sanibel School teachers to model the program based on the standards for seventh graders.

The hands-on approach of dissection allows students to see, touch, and explore the various organs. Seeing organs and understanding how they work within a single animal will strengthen students’ comprehension of biological systems.

Shannon Rivard, Youth Education Director

Students learned all about the classification of mollusks and then worked in teams, following the directions of our marine science educators, to systematically dissect thawed Shortfin and Market Squids and explore the many adaptations they have for survival in the marine environment.

Squids are invertebrates, meaning they lack a true backbone, in the phylum Mollusca, which includes a variety of organisms including clams, snails, and limpets. They are in the class Cephalopoda (which translates to “head foot”) along with octopus, cuttlefish, and nautilus.

How do you make a squid laugh? 🦑 Tentacles!

Through the dissection of a sustainably harvested squid, these young scientists observe how form fits function in cephalopod anatomy and learn about adaptations that help squids act as both predator and prey.

We’re excited to continue our work with Sanibel School and vibrantly teach children about marine life. At Sanibel Sea School our vision is a world where all people value, understand, and care for the ocean. Our mission is to improve the ocean’s future, one person at a time.

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