Sanibel Sea School Blog

Sanibel Sea School’s Newest Marine Science Educator: Austin Wise

September 27, 2022

Austin joined Sanibel Sea School full time last week after completing his summer position as a summer camp counselor. He will teach day courses, after school, homeschool, and more! Read a little bit about him here:

Where are you from?

 I was born and raised in Memphis, TN.

 Where did you go to school and what did you study?

 I spent my freshman year at the University of Missouri studying journalism and then transferred to Florida Gulf Coast University to complete a degree in marine science.

 What do you look forward to while teaching at Sanibel Sea School?

 I look forward to the possibility of inspiring future generations to care as much about marine life and the conservation of the ocean as I do. I am also looking forward to “lightbulb” moments, where I can visibly tell that the lessons I am teaching are understood and enjoyed.

What do you like to do in your time off?

In my free time, I enjoy playing lots of tennis, leisurely beach days, and quality time spent with my friends, no matter the activity.

What is your favorite sea creature?

 At the moment, my favorite sea creature would have to be the killer whale.

What’s the best music for a weekend at the beach?

 The best music for a weekend at the beach has to be reggae/reggae rock. Throw on some Jack Johnson, Bob Marley or Sticky Fingers and you won’t hear a complaint from me!

 If you could visit any marine ecosystem on the planet, where would you go?

 I would love to visit the coastal waters of New Zealand in the hopes of spotting one of their orca populations.

Is there anything else you’d like to share about yourself?

Overall, I have about 4 years’ worth of outdoor camp experience, and throughout college I was involved in multiple research projects involving microplastics and Karenia brevis (red tide) concentrations in the water column.

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