Sanibel Sea School Blog
After School Seining Begins at Sanibel Sea School
Starting on Tuesday, Oct. 12, Sanibel Sea School will begin offering After School Seining courses each Tuesday for four consecutive weeks.
Seine nets are long nets that glide through the water to gently scoop up sea creatures. Taking inspiration from the native Calusa, Sanibel Sea School marine science educators teach students how to use seine nets in different environments around Sanibel. Two people work together, holding each end of the net, to pull it through the water and back onto shore.
“Seining is a great way for students to experiment with fishing using a different medium,” says Youth Education Director Shannon Stainken. “Many of our students have used a fishing pole before but most have never tried using hand nets.” In order to have a successful catch, students must work together to keep the net oriented properly. In addition to scientific exploration, seining is a lesson in teamwork and communication.
The creatures are held in portable tanks with aerators for a closer look. Marine science educators encourage students to observe anatomy and behavior. They’re challenged to determine how the animals caught have adapted to live in their habitat. After careful investigation, students release the creatures back into the water.
After school courses are designed for ages 6 to 13 and cost $20 per student. Whether gliding a seine net over seagrass or pulling it over a sandbar, students are sure to catch fish, crabs, comb jellies, and other exciting creatures! Classes run from 3:30pm–5:30pm. Visit to register for this enriching After School Seining program.
Part of the SCCF (Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation) Family, Sanibel Sea School’s mission is to improve the ocean’s future, one person at a time.